
Townwide Organizations

Climate Forward Brookline

Townwide Officers

Miriam Aschkenasy, Select Board

Mariah Nobrega, School Committee, Former Advisory Committee

Lauren Bernard, Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Co-President of the Brookline Parents Association, TMM

Wendy Stahl, Chair of the Zero Emissions Advisory Board

Jonathan Klein, Housing Advisory Board

Chris Dempsey, Former Chair of the Transportation Board, TMM 

C. Scott Ananian
Police Commissioners Advisory Board, Former Advisory Committee, TMM

Amanda Zimmerman, Bicycle Advisory Committee, TMM

Abby Swaine, Former Chair of the Shared Use Mobility Committee (Formerly the Public Transit Advisory Committee)

Scott Englander, Vision Zero Committee. Former: Transportation Board, Chair, Complete Streets Study Committee, TMM

Precinct 9 Town Meeting Members and Residents

Other Brookline Town Meeting Members and Residents